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Showing records 91 through 120.

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The Birth of The King, Part 2

3/3/2021   Matthew 1:1-4:11 

Quarter Review

2/28/2021   Various 

Committing to Faithful Service

2/24/2021   Joshua 23, 24 

Don't Retire, Refire!

2/21/2021   2 Timothy 4:7,8 

Roots that Go Deep

2/21/2021   Mark 4:1-20 

Claiming God's Promises

2/17/2021   Joshua 16-21 

The Divine Presence

2/14/2021   Joshua 1:5-9 

Instructinos for Happiness

2/14/2021   Matthew 5:1-12; Psalm 119:1-6 

Conquering the Land

2/10/2021   Joshua 1-8 

Give Your Report!

2/7/2021   Isaiah 53:1 

Jesus' First Miracle

2/7/2021 Sis. Antonia  John 2:3-11 

Last Insttructions from a Failthful Leader

2/3/2021   Deuteronomy 29-34 

God's Call

1/31/2021   John 1:35-51 

Civil and Social Legislation

1/27/2021 Sis. Antonia  Deuteronomy 16-26 

Purify Your Hearts

3/15/2020   Matthew 23:25-28 

Here By Design

3/15/2020   Psalm 139:14 


3/15/2020   Genesis 22:6-14; 24:1-8,62-67; 26:1-5,17-33 

The Reign of King Hezekiah

3/11/2020   2 Kings 18:1 - 20:21 

Lot's Wife

3/8/2020   Genesis 19:15-28 

Acknowledge Him and He Will Direct

3/8/2020   Proverbs 3:5 

Showers of Blessing

3/8/2020   Joshua 1:8 

Kings of Israel and Judah

3/4/2020   2 Kings 8:16 - 17:41 

We Will Serve the LORD

3/1/2020   Joshua 24:14,15 

His Word Endureth Forever

3/1/2020   1 Peter 1:18-25 


3/1/2020   Genesis 12:1-4; 15:1-6; 21:1-5 

Elisha's Ministry

2/26/2020   2 Kings 1:1 through 8:15 

Quarter Review

2/23/2020   Review of Previous Texts 

Be Ye Holy

2/23/2020   1 Peter 1:13-16 

A Contrite Heart

2/23/2020   Psalm 51:16,17 

The Unjust Steward

2/19/2020   Luke 16:1-13 

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Showing records 91 through 120.